Ever get tired of the phrase New Year, New You? I personally think the old you is fabulous, but it might be time to do your body good with a detox from all the wonderful holiday goodies and imbibing. The word “detoxing” has evolved into a smarmy internet buzz verb to include a bunch of […]
What Foods Can Help Prevent Breast Cancer?
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. While one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year, most will survive if it is found and treated early. Can diet prevent breast cancer, or breast cancer recurrence? No single food can cause or prevent breast cancer, but overall dietary patterns can have a […]
What is the best breakfast?
Breakfast, which literally means to “break a fast” from the night before, has had many incarnations over the years. Our pre-agricultural ancestors enjoyed breads and porridges from wild grains like einkorn wheat, oats, and rye. Ancient cultures ate varying breakfasts. Egyptian peasants enjoyed bread, beer, and onions, while Romans enjoyed bread, cheese, olives, nuts, raisins, […]
Blueberry Lemon Raspberry Rhubarb Chia Bowl
Smoothie bowls can have any combination of fruits and vegetables that you like. They are a great way to use up extra fruit, and can pack a lot of different flavors. In this bowl, we are making two different yogurt fruit purees to keep the flavors separate, and garnishing the bowl with fruits that are […]
What to Eat on an Anti Inflammatory Diet
Disease is a result of chronic inflammation running in the background, so following an anti-inflammatory diet over time can help reduce symptoms of almost any condition of inflammation, including: Anti inflammatory diets can even prevent and sometimes reverse chronic disease such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and cancer, and may help […]