In a medium pot, sauté leek, shallot, and fennel in olive oil over medium heat until vegetables begin to soften, about 5 minutes
Stir in saffron, lemon zest, and bay leaf
Stir in tomato paste and sauté until vegetables begin to caramelize
Stir in Italian parsley leaves, basil, pepper flakes, sea salt, and sauté 3 minutes, stirring frequently
Deglaze the pan with white wine and fish stock
Add crushed tomatoes, and simmer covered over medium heat for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally
Using an immersion blender, grind saffron fennel sauce to break up bits of vegetables, but leaving a little texture to the sauce
Taste, and adjust for seasonings
You can cool and store in the refrigerator at this point until you are ready to cook the fish and serve, or continue to next steps
Add fish in order of cooking time, with longer cooking fish going in first
Drop in cod and fold sauce over cod pieces, allow to simmer 3 minutes
Add shrimp, simmer one minute
Add clams, slimmer until they open, gently stirring occasionally, and discard any that do not open
Drop in calamari in last two minutes of cooking time, and gently heat through
Taste sauce, and adjust for seasonings
Options for service: Family style on a deep platter, over pasta, with hot crusty bread, accoutrements like pepper flakes, grated Parmigiano Reggiano, lemon wedges, topped with a fennel frond garnish